If all rules and regulations for incarceration were followed, being in prison would be difficult enough.  However, the prison environment is a brutal place and many prisoners say that they learn more about crime inside the slammer than out.  The battle for a safe environment is unending.  One of the most pervasive problems is prison rape.  As terrible as it is, it is often difficult to get authorities to take the problem seriously.  Just Detention, a prison advocacy group believes that this is an issue that cannot be ignored.

There are 200,000 incidents of prison rape every year.  This includes attacks by both guards and other inmates.  This is beyond epidemic levels.  In May of 2012, the U.S. Justice Department put in place guidelines that must be followed by all prisons whether they are federal, state, or local.  The guidelines include an audit to ensure that they are following regulations.

Just Detention’s mission is to get involved and speak up for those who do not have an advocate.  It was founded by a former prisoner and abuse survivor named Russell Dan Smith.  The first order of business was and still is to keep this issue on the radar screen of the right people.  The organization has a lobbyist in Washington to ensure that they can speak up on legislation.  In 2003, they were instrumental in getting the Prison Rape Elimination Act, which was passed with lobbying on both sides of the political aisle.  The organization also realized that passing legislation was one thing, but you have to make sure that it is implemented.  Just Detention is monitoring the rate of assault across the country.  In spite of any progress, there is a long way to go.  In juvenile detention centers alone, the rate of sexual assault is down from 12% to 9% in the past two years, however two thirds of those attacks are caused by guards, not by fellow inmates.  As long as this continues, Just Detention will stand up for those most at risk.