Established in October 2005 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, Kiva is a non-profit, non-government organization that allows individuals to lend money via the power of the internet to people living in underdeveloped countries. A realization of Jessica Jackley’s and Matt Flannery’s goals, the organization was inspired by a lecture given by banker Muhammad Yunus at Stanford University.

The organization is able to lend money to people though its partnership with 142 microfinance institutions, known as their field partners. Its web-based program includes stories of every individual who needs a loan because the organization wanted lenders and borrowers to connect on a human level.

Kiva does not collect percentages or interests on the transactions it facilitates. All of its operations are supported by generous donations, loans and grants from several benefactors, institutions, corporations and users. Utilizing the might of the internet and a global network of numerous microfinance institutions, the organization is able to lend at least $35 to help create a better world.