Even children know that healthy hair is their crowning glory. The loss of their hair due to an underlying medical condition (e.g., alopecia areata) or to chemical exposure (e.g., chemotherapy for cancer) can adversely affect their mental health, such as in the loss of their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Indeed, the physical loss of hair can result in psychological losses that children should not suffer from in their young age. Fortunately, Locks of Love comes to the rescue in the form of the highest quality hair prosthetic (i.e., wigs).

Locks of Love, a non-profit organization, addresses a unique need among children diagnosed with long-term medical hair loss. Its target beneficiaries for hair prosthetic are children under 21 years of age whose parents and legal guardians are unable to purchase the items.

Its coverage include the United States and Canada. Both countries have thousands of children diagnosed with alopecia areata, a type of hair loss wherein the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles (i.e., autoimmune disease). The condition has no known cause and cure but researchers know that it is most common in people under 20 years of age.

Locks of Love accepts donated ponytails that can then be created into hair prosthetic for their recipients. The children-recipients are chosen based on financial need and provided either free of charge or on a sliding scale.

By providing for high-quality hair prosthetic, the non-profit organization hopes to restore the sense of self-confidence and self-esteem that affected children have lost in the course of their hair loss. The success stories are sufficient reason for donors to encourage others to donate as well.

Interested individuals can help in many ways, such as making a hair donation or a monetary contribution, plan an event for the organization's benefit, and register as a participating salon, among others.