Cultural, scientific and artistic artifacts are collected and preserved in museums. These places give us a glimpse of our past and helps retain the memories for the future generation. The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLAC) is one of the biggest organizations that oversee the protection and conservation of these places.

Established as the Standing Commission on Museums and Galleries in 1931, MLAC adopted its new name in 1981. The organization was registered as a charity under the Royal Charter on January 1, 1987. It seeks the promotion of innovation and improvement of archives, museums and libraries. Their funding is coming from the Department of Culture, Media and Sports. In 2010, it was announced that to reduce the number of governmentally funded bodies, the organization will be abolished under the proposal made by the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport. 

The Arts Council England has overtaken the organization and was awarded the 135 collections that were put in designated status in 2011.