Complete integration into society with equality as the basis – this is the ultimate purpose of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) for people with vision loss in any degree and for any cause. The non-profit organization works toward the removal of various forms of discrimination for the visually handicapped, the enjoyment of the rights afforded to them including the right to exercise their capacities, and the education of the public regarding these matters.

Indeed, the organization has promoted the rights and responsibilities of the visually handicapped in the United States since 1940. It is considered the largest as well as the oldest organization for and of blind people in the country with several local chapters and affiliates in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Its members are 50,000-strong and growing for many reasons, such as the all-inclusive policy (i.e., sighted people can join) and the vigorous public education programs.

It must be emphasized, nonetheless, that while sighted people can join, the organization adopts a strict structure where majority of its members in the nationwide divisions, state affiliates, and local chapters must be blind with a few exceptions, such as in the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children. The structure is designed to ensure that, indeed, the organization remains true to its mission of becoming the voice of the blind in the United States.

Many of its members have expressed their satisfaction, appreciation and participation in the organization’s programs and projects on the website. Their attestations are usually related to the positive difference that the organization has made and continues to make in their present lives and future aspirations.

According to the organization, blindness should not hold back anybody from achieving their dreams and, thus, from becoming the best people they can be. In many cases, it has even become the fuel for their uncommon determination!