The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) has come a long way from its humble beginnings yet there is still a long way to go in its fight against rare disorders. From its informal coalition consisting of support groups, the American non-profit organization has made and continues to make significant advancements in its advocacy.

One of its early, and most notable, successes is the passage of the Orphan Drug Act by the United States Congress in 1983. The act facilitates the research, development and commercialization of orphan drugs (i.e., drugs used in the treatment of rare diseases).

Today, NORD provides for monetary and non-monetary support in a wide range of causes related to rare diseases. The support includes funding for research and development of treatments and cures for rare diseases; assisting individuals diagnosed with rare diseases and their families; and lobbying for relevant legislation.

Private individuals, public agencies and corporate entities can do their share in assisting NORD toward the achievement of its goals via donations and grants. Do your share today and help your fellowmen become better.