Whether it’s a non-profit organization raising money for a good cause, a company holding a charitable event in a community or individual raising money for his favorite charity, Network for Good can help.

Founded in 2001 by the people behind Yahoo!, Cisco Systems and America Online, the web-based charitable company has a wide selection of services that can help all kinds of clients raise funds and draw in online supporters. It also has the facility to give to any charitable organization through its clients’ websites, social networks and portable devices as well as put up a mini-site for an organization solely for the purpose of boosting its client charitable initiatives.

Network for Good makes it a whole lot easier for people to support their charities. In its ten-year history, the company has already processed more than $700 million for 80,000 non-profit organizations, has been certified by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance and exceeded the 20 standards of charity accountability.