Nobody could help people who are in need except for people themselves. Indeed, governments may provide assistance, organizations may initiate actions, but only the good nature of people can sustain the continuity of charity and goodwill. Outreach International, one of the premier charitable organizations of today, is among those institutions that believe in the force that is within the human race. They believe that people have the ability to end poverty and this is the reason why they invest their efforts and energy to help and uplift the men, women, and children of the world.

Outreach International is a humanitarian charitable organization that has been working with the most marginalized communities in the world's poorest nations, since its inception in 1979. They are committed to helping every person that their organization encounters, create brighter futures for themselves through their unique approach. Outreach International's does not believe in short-term solutions, but they have quite a simple yet focused mission: to invest on long-term solutions that will bring out sustainable effects and lasting change for everyone's good. Thus, they coined the term, "Sustainable Good".

Outreach International believes that ending poverty begins with creating self-sufficiency. The organization's unique approach involves employment of local native staff, to make them realize their strengths and make a living out of their skills and talents. They also focus in addressing the deep-rooted issues and eventually, providing education and training necessary for their growth.

As of today, Outreach International continues to facilitate charitable projects and activities in 13 countries, providing assistance to innumerable men, women, and children for them to overcome the effects of poverty. Outreach International also continually appeals to the hearts of able people to help create sustainable good by registering with them, getting involved in fighting poverty through volunteerism, and offering financial sponsorships.