Established in 2001, Paradise Charity has been reaching out specifically to Iranian children to provide them better future. As a non-profit organization, they opted not to be affiliated in any political, ethnic, religious or governmental groups.

Their service doesn’t just end in providing education to the underprivileged Iranian children as they also extend their works to helping out the entire family alleviate their hardships. The group mitigates their burdens by paying for their health care, basic supplies and home maintenance.

This organization is run by board of directors and staff that are all volunteers, allotting some of their free time to help the needy in Iran.

Any donation will be directly transferred to the accounts of supported children through the help of collaborated charities based in Iran. These chosen charities are carefully selected by Paradise and are also not affiliated in any religious or political organizations. No fraction of the donation is being deduced and upon request, receipts are also provided to sponsors. To ensure that you are also seeing your donation go somewhere, report cards, photographs and assessment of living conditions are also provided annually.

Based in Ontario, Canada, this group has their tag line “Paradise is a Bridge to Paradise” to encourage sponsors to keep on helping more children other than the 9000 they have already assisted. Putting food to their tables, clothing on their backs and hauling them from poverty through education are the main objectives of this organization.

This group has continuously run their foundation through consolidated efforts of sponsors and their personal payment for their office expenses. Any expense for their office costs are minimal and are mostly from donations made specifically for the institution itself. As of today, they only have one paid employee who serves as their accountant for transparency of transactions made.