Veterans have risked their life and limb for their country, and should therefore be entitled to proper benefits, so that they can fully live their lives after receiving incapacitating injuries. Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), a non-profit organization, fights for this very premise.

Founded by a group of servicemen, PVA lobbies for better health care services and benefits for veterans who can no longer work after having served in the American armed forces. The organization also seeks to help veterans look for meaningful careers, aid them through rehabilitation and provide them with opportunities in physical activities such as adaptive sports. PVA educates clinicians and health care personnel on spinal cord injury and is on the path to finding a cure for paralysis by supporting researches and educational programs geared towards this goal.

PVA is currently headed by National President Bill Lawson and Executive Director Homer Townsend, and the organization continues its 65 years of work towards ensuring that veterans who have spinal injuries or are paralyzed are still able to be productive citizens of the country.