Nearly 100 years from its inception, Planned Parenthood Federation of America has improved the health and safety of women. It has been a forerunner in birth control and has always been on the lookout for unintended pregnancies. 

The organization is considered as one of the largest charitable institution in the United States as listed by Forbes. It is deemed as the largest organization providing reproductive health services like HIV screening, cancer screening, abortion, contraception, and counseling. Also known as Planned Parenthood, this charitable organization has brought forth valuable information to both men and women about sex education, reproductive health care, and making decisions about family planning, sex, and health.

It traces its roots back to when Margaret Sanger founded the country’s first birth control clinic in 1921, the American Birth Control League, which eventually became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She has been considered as the icon of American reproductive rights movement and was the one who popularized the term birth control.

Planned Parenthood is an affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and is one of its largest members. It accounts contraception as its largest service which covers 35% of their works. Abortion is only 3% of their service provided but that 3% accounts to 300,000 abortions done every year. It provides its service to nearly three million Americans and has a total budget of more than $1 billion. It also reaches out to other parties outside the United States.

The organization has also been receiving federal funds starting 1970. This was the result of President Richard Nixon’s signing into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act. This charitable institution has been strongly advocating and providing birth control and contributed sponsorship to reproductive rights, heralding women’s rights and abortion options.