The word bono means “well-doer”. U2 Irish frontman Bono, who obviously carries the same name, is living up to this meaning. When it comes to giving, he imposes no limit. It is with his generosity that made him support numerous causes and charities, and he’s not stopping anytime soon.

Who could be better to spearhead charitable works than the charismatic man that he is, with a stage presence that captivates any audience, at any given time. But what made him start and continue helping people in need?

Back in 1979, Bono saw The Secret Policeman’s Ball. It was launched as a series of performances to introduce Amnesty International UK (AIUK) to people, and which was later made into a feature-length film after its initial success.

Bono’s charity work began with World Vision’s invitation for him to go to Ethiopia. Through an education program he conceptualized with the participation of his wife, the listening audience was made aware of issues on health by way of songs and plays. That was in 1986, and on the same year, AIUK’s Conspiracy of Hope tour materialized with Bono now being involved.

Consequently, as a musician who not only made songs but also changed lives, he participated in the global jukebox headed by Bob Geldof known as Live Aid (to address famine in Ethiopia), and helped organized another similar event called Live 8 in 2005. Yet again, with its focus on making the world’s leaders take notice, the event had a huge turnout: 3 billion people at most.

Bono was also part of the creation of the ONE campaign, a movement to address AIDS and extreme poverty among communities.

As his music lives on to inspire fellow musicians and listeners, so does his charity work which gave a chance for the needy to be heard.