Everybody is a consumer. Such fact makes the work of Public Citizen Foundation of great importance in modern society particularly in the United States.

Public Citizen Foundation, a non-profit organization, prides itself on being one of the premier consumer rights advocacy groups and leading think tanks in the country. Its pride rests not just on its accomplishments in the protection of consumer rights but also on its fierce independence - the organization neither participates in partisan politics nor accepts contributions from government agencies and corporate entities. Instead, it is funded solely by member support, foundation grants, and publication sales.

With its headquarters in Washington, D.C. and a branch in Austin, Texas, the Public Citizen Foundation has a national influence used for the promotion of consumer welfare. Its policy groups, which include Energy Program, Health Research Group, and Global Trade Watch, work on the most important areas of consumer welfare.

And because you are a consumer, too, you should contribute to the cause and protect your interests.