Founded in 2004, Downline Ministries was established to assist in the training of men so that they can become modern-day disciples of Jesus Christ. As a non-profit, Christ-centered organization, it has grown under the leadership of a competent and compassionate board of directors including Kem Wilson, Jr., Dr. David Libby, Jack Moore, Roy Campbell, Paul Ellis, Dr. James Selecman, and Hamp Holcomb.

In its capacity as an interdenominational and evangelical Christian ministry, Downline Ministries works toward the restoration of biblical discipleship in the Church. Toward this goal, the organization balances its evangelical Christian faith with the freedom necessary to work with other Christian groups, especially in non-essential areas of theology where the denominations will differ. Such a strategy has proven effective in spreading the Word of God while still respecting the denominational lines.

The Downline Institute is the venue for the training of aspiring disciples. Teachers at the institute must completely align their teachings with the doctrinal statement of the Downline Ministry. They, however, have the freedom to teach a Bible book based on their own theological views.

Students at the institute are also required to agree with the Downline Ministry’s doctrinal statement. They should also be cognizant of the differences between the evangelical perspectives taught at the institute and their own theological beliefs, thus, emphasizing the need for respect for each other’s belief system within Christian teachings.

Among the beliefs stated in its doctrinal statement are the beliefs in the Bible as the authoritative and inspired Word of God; in the Bible’s sufficient, complete and final authority for both faith and its practice; and in the existence of on God who is eternally existent in three persons, namely, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Aside from the Downline Institute, the Downline Ministries also offers Emerging Leader programs that equip men and women in various aspects of effective discipleship in their homes, local churches, and communities.