Rainforests cover less than two percent of the Earth, yet it is home to half of this planet’s plants and animals. They used to be found in almost every continent, and are critical in maintaining supply of fresh, drinking water. These are just of the reasons why rainforests should be preserved. However, despite their vitality to life, only about 50 percent of these rainforests remain due to human destruction.

The Rainforest Alliance, a non-profit organization, has made it their goal to preserve and conserve the biodiversity of rainforests by advocating for proper land-use and business practices, as well as consumer behavior. The organization helps farmers, businesses, as well as forest managers, reap greater benefits by making sure that the ecosystems in their community are protected and preserved.

The Rainforest Alliance envisions a prosperous world where people are consciously aware of the environment they live in. As a top-rated charity, the organization knows that by spreading awareness, more rainforests can be saved.