There may be a lot of charitable institutions with missions of fighting poverty, but this world has more than enough hardships for all of the current charities to handle. Rose Charities, a group of independent institutions based in different countries, are among those that exhibit unending faith in humanity and unwavering willingness to help save communities.

Rose Charities was established in 1998, in Cambodia, by a group of aid workers who found themselves tired with the bureaucracy and waste that normally happens in most international aid missions. The independent organizations at Rose Charities are bonded by just one goal: to rehabilitate and guide people towards a more productive and a generally better life. They aimed at delivering efficient and sustainable programs and solutions to those who are in most need, and they did it directly, without having to deal with much bureaucracy, and with full transparency. All of the independent organizations that are part of Rose Charities are run by volunteers and about 98% of their work are purely sustained by donations.