Offering their services to those who are emotionally distressed, Samaritans’ phone lines are open 24/7 ready to listen and all ears to those who wants to talk. Through their telephone helpline, they are able to reach out to those who are struggling to cope and those who are at risk of suicide in the United Kingdom and in Ireland.

Until 2002, this non-profit organization was known as The Samaritans. It was in 1953 that they started their charitable assistance to those who are in need. Though the organization is secular, the name came from the Bible’s parable of the Good Samaritan. Chad Varah, a vicar in the London Diocese started. Though this organization’s phone lines are available in the United Kingdom and in Ireland, their assistance is felt around the world as they also answer emails sent to them.

Similar charities are Nightline and Aware that provide phone services and listening ear. Samaritans envision a world with fewer people dying by suicide.