Share Our Strength was formed in 1984 with the aim of ending hunger for children in the United States. To achieve its goals, the organization holds culinary events, turns to social media to raise funds and awareness, and solicits individual donations. Share Our Strength believes in long-term solutions and so uses the funds it collects to fund projects that offer lasting remedies to problems involving hunger. The organization also employs a three-step process to fulfill its mission which involves raising, magnifying, and granting funds. Through this, the organization generated a record $24.8 million in revenues in 2010.

When Share Our Strength began, it was as a response to the plight of people of Ethiopia when famine hit the country in 1984. Siblings Bill and Debbie Shore were deeply moved by what was happening and so, in the basement of their Capitol Hill row house, the two decided to start an organization fueled by the belief that everyone has the strength necessary to fight hunger and poverty on a global scale and it is in sharing these strengths that bigger changes are inspired.

In 2010, Share Our Strength launched the No Kid Hungry campaign with the help of actor and advocate Jeff Bridges and more than 20 corporate sponsors. Part of the success of this campaign was that it was an easy first step for people looking to get started on working for the cause. Thanks to No Kid Hungry, top chefs were able to go to congressional offices to promote and advocate for the Child Nutrition Rauthorization Bill. And because of this, the Healthy, Hungry-Free Kids Act of 2010 was passed.

In 2012, the organization collaborated with Feeding America to direct the public’s attention to hunger in the United States, calling September “No Kid Hungry month” and culminating in an event called Dine Out For No Kid Hungry.