“SOS Children – a charity where deeds speak louder than words.” These are the exact words of description that the Dalai Lama gave for SOS Children Charity. This statement represents SOS Children very well as they build families and communities, not headlines. This means, they may not be that known to the media, but their deeds are worth noting and spreading by those who are truly concerned in helping better the lives of orphaned young children.

SOS Children focuses on addressing the needs of orphans. This charity recognizes the fact that orphans need longer term assistance and help, and generally speaking, the local government units share the responsibility of fostering them. However, some governments are not economically stable enough to sufficiently provide these orphans’ needs. This is where SOS Children comes in: to cooperate in the programs developed and pursued for orphans, and to initiate more projects that will help in the cause, as well as invite more sponsors for continued support.

Since they would rather spend their finances to promote and further programs for orphans, SOS Charity does not pay for advertising, and they don’t pay anyone or anybody to find them sponsors. The sponsors themselves find them, and seeing how humble this charity is, they tend to love the idea of how they can discreetly do their purpose – thus, willingly providing sponsorship and support. 

SOS Children primarily works hard to give orphans a family – a life. Their main goal is to find each of them a family for life, but while waiting for the right parents or families, SOS Children sees to it that their needs are addressed. For about sixty years, they have been building communities for children who have been orphaned, running over 400 nurseries and schools, over a hundred vocational and staff training centers, and SOS medical centers in areas lacking medical support. They also provide quick emergency assistance in times of conflict, disaster, or famine.