Formerly known as the SSAFA Forces Help, SSAFA is a British based charitable institution that is set up to help those former and serving members of the United Kingdom British Armed Forces. They also extend their assistance to the families and dependents of these members.

It was James Gildea, who founded this organization initially as the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Families Association in 1885. In 1919, the organization became a charitable group which was renamed to Soldiers’, Saolors’ and Airmen’s Families Association (SSAFA). This happened after the Royal Air Force was created in 1918. On April 10, 2013, the organization was further rebranded to just simply SSAFA to underscore the goals of the charity to help out members of the Forces community. 

With the support they get from various charitable institutions and organizations, they hire volunteers to spend time with families and serving personnel, they also run the Norton Homes and run national support groups for bereaved families and those with injured service personnel.