One of the things serious or chronic illness takes away from a child is their childhood. They are no longer able to act and play like children due to the rigorous rounds of treatment they have to go through just to get better. Starlight Children’s Foundation aims to lessen the stress a child feels during these troubling times as well as bring a sense of normalcy back into their lives.

The Starlight Children’s Foundation helps seriously-ill children in the hospital by providing them with entertainment that does not just distract them from the pains of being hospitalized, but to serve as some sort of therapy for the trauma they may be experiencing. This includes building playrooms in pediatric wards as well as providing educational programming and contact with other children going through the same ordeals through Starbright, a social network for kids aged 13-20 and are suffering from serious illnesses that may leave them feeling alienated and alone. Starlight also helps families go through these rough times together by hosting gatherings and activities done away from the hospital to give them time to relax and unwind, giving them renewed energy to keep fighting.