Charity Watcher

Showing Tag: "african" (Show all posts)

African Children’s Educational Trust (A-CET): Developing Africa through Education

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, In : Education 
Founded in 1997 by David Stables, the African Children’s Educational Trust (A-CET) aims to develop Africa by providing their youth with a means to education. The A-CET Board of Directors recognizes the lack of educational opportunities for Africa’s youth and works to provide them these opportunities by arranging for suitable donors for the Trust. A-CET is a charitable institution that works directly with a non-government organization in Ethiopia, the Ethiopia Youth Education Support, to c...

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Reginald F. Lewis

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 18, 2011,

In 1993, Reginald F. Lewis donated $3 million to Harvard Law School, the largest contribution the school had ever received from an individual. The section of the school devoted to international law was renamed the Reginald F. Lewis International Law Center in his honor. Lewis intended the grant to provide fellowships for minority lawyers who aspired to become law professors.

18 years after the creation of the program, the Reginald F. Lewis Foundation, now run by his wife, Lioda, continues to s...

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