Charity Watcher

Showing Tag: "aid" (Show all posts)

The AFCA: Joining the Battle Against HIV and AIDS to Give Children a Healthier Future

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, In : Health 
The American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) is a non-profit geared towards helping children and their guardians in sub-Saharan Africa who have contracted AIDS or are HIV positive and do not have access to the medical care they need. As of 2008, sub-Saharan Africa represents over two-thirds of new HIV infections in the world and the number keeps growing. To help in the battle against HIV and AIDS, the AFCA provides critical antiretroviral medicine and other medications, medical suppl...

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AIDA: Protecting Human Health and the Environment

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 21, 2014, In : Environment 
AIDA or the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense was established in 1996. The organization was founded through a collaboration of five environmental groups in the US that included Earthjustice. It is an international non-profit organization that tackles environmental law. AIDA is headquartered in Oakland, California and has numerous partners around the globe. This includes countries such as Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Canada, Chile and Colombia.

The organizatio...

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Wateraid: Helping Provide Safe and Clean Water to the World

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 12, 2014,
Transforming the lives of millions every year through clean water, sanitized toilets and hygiene education has been the contribution of Wateraid to the world. Working in 27 countries, this non-profit organization was put up as a response to the UN International Drinking Water & Sanitation. 

The efforts of the organization are met with assistance from local communities in the creation of taps and toilets. Through Wateraid’s experience and well researched programs, they also work in influencin...

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AIDS Research Alliance of America: Seeking a Cure for the Disease

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, January 1, 2014, In : Health 
HIV/AIDS has undoubtedly shaken the world. This deadly disease has brought fear among many. Thankfully, there are organizations and associations that keep on working to find a cure and solution to this medical problem. Among them is the AIDS Research Alliance of America (ARAA).

ARAA is a national community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit medical research institution that strives to find a cure for HIV/AIDS, as well as discover medical strategies to prevent new infections and better treatments for t...

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Christian Aid Ministries: A Channel for Anabaptist Groups

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 22, 2013,
Christian Aid Ministries is a charitable organization that works to ensure proper and organized distribution of donated goods abroad. This group is categorized as a foreign-aid outlet for Mennonite, Amish, and several other conservative Anabaptist groups. 

It was in 1981 that the organization was founded. Since its inception, it has been a practice of their supporters to come up with 15 million pounds of food, seeds, clothing, medicines, Bible story books, Bibles, and various Christian literat...

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Christian Aid Ministries: Helping the World’s Needy

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, October 11, 2013,
Headquartered in Berlin, Ohio, the Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) provides food, clothing, seeds, medicine, and Christian literature to millions of people around the world. CAM is a non-profit organization that is a conduit for conservative Anabaptist and Amish, Mennonite groups to provide assistance to the world’s needy. Every year, CAM distributes millions of pounds of goods and medicines wherever it is needed. 

In the United States, CAM operates several programs including Rapid Response T...

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AIDS Fund: Developing AIDS Awareness in Philadelphia

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 20, 2013, In : Health 
HIV/AIDS is one of the modern society’s major concerns. The prevalence of this virus in the society and the impact it has in communities are mainly due to the lack of awareness. Thus, the AIDS Fund works with communities and local authorities in Philadelphia to increase public awareness about HIV/AIDS. 

AIDS Fund is a non-profit charitable organization established in 1989. The organization was founded when members of the local gay and lesbian center organized a Walk-A-Thon in 1987 which was ...

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