Charity Watcher

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Museums, Libraries and Archives Council: Safeguarding Museums and Libraries

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, March 14, 2014,
Cultural, scientific and artistic artifacts are collected and preserved in museums. These places give us a glimpse of our past and helps retain the memories for the future generation. The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLAC) is one of the biggest organizations that oversee the protection and conservation of these places.

Established as the Standing Commission on Museums and Galleries in 1931, MLAC adopted its new name in 1981. The organization was registered as a charity under the Ro...

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Chicago Business Leader and Philanthropist Perry Mandera

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, August 17, 2012, In : Health 
A prominent businessman who owns and oversees Chicago-based large scale transportation firm The Custom Companies, Inc., Perry Mandera derives a great deal of personal satisfaction from the many philanthropic projects and community betterment endeavors he undertakes. Aside from heading Custom Cares Charities, an organization affiliated with The Custom Companies that facilitates meaningful initiatives to benefit children, Mr. Mandera donates to a host of non-profit groups that include Boys & Gi...
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