Charity Watcher

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Instituting Actionable Change Through Wings of Hope

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, October 30, 2012, In : Youth 

Retired U.S. Air Force pilot and former Senior Vice President of Virgin America David Pflieger presently serves as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Air Pacific Ltd, a Fiji-based carrier that takes great pride in giving back to local community. Mr. Pflieger joined Air Pacific in 2010 and is widely credited with reinvigorating an enterprise that only recently suffered major profit losses. Today, Air Pacific and its subsidiary Pacific Sun stand poised to experience a new era of s...

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A Discussion of Tzedakah: Charitable Responsibility and the Jewish Faith

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 21, 2012, In : human rights 
Sponsored by Rabbi Leib Tropper
A fundamental aspect of Jewish life discussed extensively in the Talmud and other key religious texts, tzedakah is viewed less as a mitzvah (good deed) and much more so like a responsibility. Derived from the Hebrew root “tzedek’, tzedakah is often misinterpreted as a form of charitable giving that a person may choose to engage in so long as he or she possesses the resources and desire to do so. Unlike the modern concept of philanthropy, a practice that man...
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Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Greater Boston’s Jewish Federation

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, June 19, 2012,

With roots dating back to the 1890s, Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) of Boston gains support from successful business leaders such as Marco Bitran, Chief Executive Officer of alternative investment platform and technologies firm AI Exchange, Inc. Marco Bitran shares his success with the organization because it addresses the needs and aspirations of the Jewish community in greater Boston and beyond. The 2011 CJP Annual Campaign raised more than $42 million. The funds enabled the group to ...

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Not Just a Basketball Legend

Posted by Charity Watcher on Thursday, January 19, 2012, In : Sports 


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