Charity Watcher

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Human Relief Foundation: Creating a Better Life

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, In : Health 
For nearly two decades now, Human Relief Foundation (HRF) has been a pillar of hope and an instrument to save lives in the poorest regions of the world. Since its founding in 1991, this non-profit organization has been consistently working on their commitment to provide developmental programs and relief to local communities.

The creation of a better life and finding solutions to global issues has been part of the focus of HRF. This international non-governmental organization is a registered ch...

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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: The World’s Largest Private Foundation

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 5, 2014,
To enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty are the primary interest of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest private foundation in the world. The organization was of course founded by the world’s richest man and his wife, Bill and Melinda Gates.

There are three trustees of the foundation. Other than the couple, the third person is billionaire Warren Buffett. As of June 2013, the organization has an endowment of $38.3 billion. $28 billion of which was donated by Bill Ga...

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Islamic Relief Worldwide: Changing the World One Step at a Time

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 24, 2013,
Regardless of race, gender, belief or political affiliation, Islamic Relief Worldwide is there to provide humanitarian relief and development programs across the globe. As an international humanitarian organization, it holds 29 field offices in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and in Latin America.

It was in 1984 that this charitable group was founded in the United Kingdom. Since its inception, they have championed several causes that underscore the need to protect life and dignity, strengthening...

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Eli Broad, the Billionaire-Turned-Philanthropist

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, December 7, 2011,

Throughout his career, Eli Broad has provided people with basic needs: housing and financial services. The American billionaire is the founder of the real-estate development company, Kaufman & Broad; and the financial company, SunAmerica, a retirement specialist. 

Before he became one of America’s richest and most socially-relevant businessmen, Broad lived a simple life as the son of a house painter and a dressmaker. They may not have had money, but Broad had a gifted mind. He graduated cum ...
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