Charity Watcher

Showing Tag: "health" (Show all posts)

AIDS is Not the End: The GMHC and the Fight to Keep Living

Posted by Charity Watcher on Saturday, April 19, 2014, In : Health 
The Gay Men's Health Crisis, now referred to as the GMHC, us a non-profit AIDS service organization in New York City thriving on volunteer support to lead the fight against AIDS in the US. Founded in 1982, the organization started out when a rare form of cancer known as Kaposi's Sarcoma was reported to be affecting young gay men in New York City and San Francisco. When the Centers for Disease Control recognized the new disease as an epidemic, six gay men and their friends gathered in New York...

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Dr. Gregory Jantz Shares His Insight and Wisdom

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, In : Health 

There’s more than one way to help society. Money goes a long way, as does volunteering. Licensed mental health counselor, nationally certified eating-disorder specialist, and best-selling author Dr. Gregory Jantz, founder of The Center for Counseling and Health Resources, Inc., shares his expertise and wisdom with the masses as a contributor to The Huffington Post online and as a guest speaker internationally. His topics range from the new tough security checks at National Football League g...

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Pathfinder International

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, November 7, 2011,
Reproductive health is a sensitive issue in many parts of the world – especially where religion, culture, and traditions are involved. However, there is no denying that it is important to empower women to make proper choices for themselves and their family. Pathfinder International is an organization that believes that controlling one’s reproductive health leads to healthier families and better communities. 

The organization has led projects in Africa, South America, and Asia. Their commu...
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