Charity Watcher

Showing Tag: "nature conservancy" (Show all posts)

Nature Conservancy: Follow Up

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, In : Environment 
In an effort to raise awareness of worthy causes and non-profit groups, Charity Watcher posted in early November about the environmental group, Nature Conservancy. The organization has actively fought to protect ecosystems and habitats. Initially, the Nature Conservancy worked within the United States, but has since extended its reach to more than 30 countries. Charity Watcher has learned that the group is spearheading what it calls the “Campaign for a Sustainable Planet,” the largest con...

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Nature Conservancy

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 4, 2011, In : Environment 
There are many organizations that aim to protect and preserve the environment. However, few have made a big difference. The Nature Conservancy is an organization that has successfully advocated on behalf of the environment. One notable aspect about Nature Conservancy is that  – while other organizations engage in inflammatory rhetoric to get support – it seeks to accomplish political engagement by proposing workable solutions.

The organization deploys a science-based approach for solving ...
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