Charity Watcher

Showing Tag: "need" (Show all posts)

Child in Need Institute: Giving a Brighter Future to India’s Women and Children

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, June 3, 2014, In : Youth 
India is one of the countries that, although the economy is growing, is still in dire need of assistance for the development, protection and empowerment of their women, children and adolescents. Several countries have answered this call in the form of charitable institutions. One of the many organizations aimed at helping the country is the Child in Need Institute.

Child in Need Institute or CINI is also commonly referred to internationally as Child in Need India. As an international humanitar...

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Modest Needs

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, November 2, 2011,
Countless charities aim to offer relief to individuals who are living in poverty. However, there are only a limited number of organizations that offer assistance to individuals who are on the edge of bankruptcy or default. Modest Needs has the unique objective of helping people who have difficulty paying their bills, but can’t qualify for conventional assistance because they’re not poor enough. 

In many cases, the people that Modest Needs helps are those who have faced a single unexpected ...

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