Charity Watcher

Showing Tag: "united" (Show all posts)

United States Fund for UNICEF: Working towards Zero Avoidable Child Deaths

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, October 8, 2013, In : human rights 
Thousands of children around the world die every year due to reasons that may have been avoided. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) works hard to radically reduce this amount by providing vaccines, healthcare, and educational support to millions of children and their families around the world. UNICEF is supported by other charitable organizations. In the US, the United States Fund for UNICEF is one of the largest charitable organizations that support the advocacies of UNICEF throug...

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Ted Turner

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, December 16, 2011,
Ted Turner has always done things in a big way. He was at one time the largest landowner in America. He created CNN (Cable News Network), dramatically changing broadcast television with the introduction of a 24 hour news channel. In response to the boycotting prevalent during the Olympic games in the 80’s, Turner created the Goodwill Games. He also married celebrity Jane Fonda. 

In 1997, Turner once again made headlines by donating $1 billion to the United Nations. The payment was made over ...
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