Founded in1982 by former United States President Jimmy Carter along with his wife Rosalynn Carter, The Carter Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to wage peace, fight disease and build hope. It strives to provide millions of people, especially the underprivileged ones, with easy access to knowledge and skills that can be used to identify and utilize innovative and sustainable solutions that will improve their lives.

Since its inception thirty years ago, the Carter Center has achieved several milestones which included solidifying international criterions for human rights and amplifying the voices of those individuals protecting those rights, furthering the efforts of mental health care improvement and being an outstanding mediator in major disputes.

The Carter Center is also a principal forerunner of election observation, supplying teams of 30 to 50 highly-qualified onlookers – political scientists, regional specialists and leaders, and lection observation experts – to verify the legitimacy of elections in more than 30 countries. These individuals scrutinize election laws, evaluate registration process and voter education, and assess fairness in election campaigns. The presence of unbiased election observers prevents fraud and interference in the entire voting process and ensure voters that they can securely cast their ballots and that tabulation will be accomplished without tampering. Furthermore, The Carter Center strengthens democratic institutions by advocating for the openness and transparency of governments as well as equal access to adequate resources when competing for public office.

Aside from being an enduring political presence, The Carter Center also strongly supports human right defenders all over the world and firmly believes that everyone is entitled to human rights whether it is political – self-governance, freedom and peace – or social – food, shelter, health care and economic opportunity. A trusted global peace broker, The Carter Center also actively mediates between parties in conflict and works with them to resolve existing struggles and prevent potential ones.