Transforming the lives of millions every year through clean water, sanitized toilets and hygiene education has been the contribution of Wateraid to the world. Working in 27 countries, this non-profit organization was put up as a response to the UN International Drinking Water & Sanitation. 

The efforts of the organization are met with assistance from local communities in the creation of taps and toilets. Through Wateraid’s experience and well researched programs, they also work in influencing decision-makers to provide these vital services. Their dedication and commitment in helping the world lies in their efforts to help everyone escape poverty and disease caused by unsafe water and sanitation. Since its inception in 1981 in the UK, it has helped raise money for clean and safe water. From 2011 up to 2012, they were able to generate income amounting to £55.8 million and spent £54 million to various projects and aids. 

There are 27 countries in Asia, Africa, Central America and in the Pacific region who are able to benefit from the assistance that Wateraid gives out. Offices of the organization are in the cities of Australia, Japan, Sweden, the United States and in the United Kingdom. Their strong focus is on the creation of sustainable water supplies and latrines that are close to home. 

Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales was the organization’s first president and was taken to see projects of Wateraid in Nepal. They have pledged to help fund the Hitosa Gravity Scheme, the largest water supply scheme reaching 50,000 people in Ethiopia.

Wateraid partnered with WaterLogic in 2012 to raise funds for the poorest communities in the world. The company’s Firewall technology purifies water and destroys harmful bacteria. Over three years, the company has pledged assistance of $225,000. In 2013, the organization was able to raise funds through fundraising events and initiatives which include the WaterAid200 Mountain Challenge.