The Food for Everyone Foundation is a non-profit, non-government charitable organization that aims to support and nourish the understanding, development and distribution of ecologically friendly and non-polluting food production processes. By funding and backing up research, development and propagation of the best and most efficient gardening techniques and methods, as well as the finest information dissemination system and teaching approaches, the foundation hopes to provide individuals and families from all over the world with a sustainable way to feed themselves and earn a considerable amount of income at the same time.

Founded by James Kennard in 1998, The Food for Everyone Foundation encourages and assists in innovating self-sufficiency in the field of food production among people across the globe by supporting and holding free seminars and classes to individuals and families, providing financial assistance to socioeconomically-challenged students, and assisting in the provision of materials, gardening equipment, fertilizers and seeds to achieve sustainable gardening success in their respective communities.

The staff members of the foundation are highly knowledgeable, skilled and committed to making the world and lives of millions of people better, and have in fact, made it their personal mission.  With a goal to teach the world grow food, one garden at a time, the foundation has already funded nearly 100 research programs, demonstration and teaching programs in over 30 countries all over the world and has conducted gardening projects in nearly every soil type, including hard clay, sand and snow. The experience has given the foundation the unique capability to comprehensively replicate its previous successes onto several more locations and countries.

To date, the Food for Everyone foundation has already trained 3,000 students in 83 projects, and fed millions of families across the globe, utilizing the best, most efficient and effective gardening method there is.