A non-profit organization that encourages “positive behavioral values”, The Foundation for a Better Life, develops public service campaigns that communicate positive values such as caring, honesty, hard work, optimism and helping others. The foundation conveys its message through outdoor advertising, television, radio, theatre, and the internet. Viewers are urged to pass on these positive attributes and values to other people with the rationale that individuals who are living value-based lifestyles can only do so much to change the world, but if they do it all together, they can make a real difference.

With a $700 million donation from Philip Anschutz, The Foundation for a Better Life was founded in 2000 and headed by Gary Dixon. The foundation commenced its first campaign in November 2001 right after the September 11 attacks. Nearly $10 million was disbursed on the movement, which involved more than 10,000 posters, signs and billboards displaying values of “courage” and “unity” in images of firefighters and flags.

The Foundation for a Better Life continues to fund and support public service messages transmitted to various forms of media. Its recent “Pass It On” campaign has integrated the likenesses of Muhammad Ali, Michelle Kwan and Wayne Gretzky.