In the highly developed world that we live in today, it can sometimes be unimaginable that human rights violations would still exist. Unfortunately, they do and a good part of the population living in advanced, protected, and highly sophisticated communities and countries can often forget that there are people on this planet who are being subjected to human rights violations every single minute of every day. It is also saddening that some of the supposedly civilized individuals and groups are the ones who resort to violence.

Fortunately, there are still those who are well aware of the atrocities that many people experience and suffer from, and are actively engaged in either directly working to help the victims or financially supporting the organizations that fulfill such mission.

One of these organizations is the Fund for Global Human Rights. This non-profit, non-governmental organization is working with other organizations worldwide to support of the fight against human rights violations, wherever they exist. They are currently focusing on West Africa, North Africa, Southeast Asia, African Great Lakes, Latin America, and South Asia.

The Fund for Global Human Rights recognizes that many of the organizations working to free human rights victims often operate on severely limited resources. Hence, it has become their mission to provide support to organizations like these. With additional support from the Fund, human rights organizations in the above-mentioned locations are experiencing victories in their causes. As of today, the Fund has provided over $35 million in grants to over 200 human rights organizations across the globe.

The Fund for Global Human Rights is governed by a distinguished international board of directors. Every member of the board is a highly experienced expert in the field of human rights protection. Currently the fund is chaired by Akwasi Aidoo, the Executive Director of TrustAfrica. The organization has offices worldwide, but has its headquarters in Washington, D.C.