Angel Flight is the collective name used by several groups that make free transportation services accessible for needy patients. They also perform other missions related to community service. Non-profit organizations that perform such charitable services are located across the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia. These groups, like other Public Benefit Flying (PBF) organizations, work by helping arrange free, non-emergency transportation for patients who are in need of medical treatment but do not have the means to pay for a commercial flight. Typically, the free service is provided by volunteer pilots who often use their private general aviation aircraft. 

Basically, the Angel Flight organizations do not provide the transportation themselves. It is more correct to coin them as “matchmakers” as they connect people who need to be transported for medical reasons to individual pilots who are willing to provide free flights. 

While Angel Flight volunteers primarily serve patients who need to seek specialized medical treatment and attention in facilities out of the town, city, or country, they may also offer the service for other purposes. This includes offering transportation for individuals who need to visit their hospitalized family member or helping out in time of disasters and other emergencies. For instance, many of the public benefit flying groups assisted in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

To acquire the assistance of Angel Flight pilots, a certain process must be followed. First, a referring health professional, usually a social worker, must contact an Angel Flight organization. He or she must describe the necessary details regarding the needed transportation service, including the number of people and weight, and the patient’s condition. Furthermore, not all patients may be eligible for transportation. Definitely, their health will be considered. Angel flights cannot also be used for medical emergencies because many factors may cause last-minute flight cancellations. 

Angel Flight’s first organizations that operated under that name were formed in 1983. These are the Angel Flight of California which is now known as Angel Flight West (established in Santa Monica, CA) and Angel Flight Georgia (founded in Atlanta, GA).