The world is filled with people who give. Some give in small amounts, while others contribute large donations. The Bill Gates and Warren Buffets of this world give in the billions. And as is customary, we recognize these donors for their unselfish acts. 

There is also a special class of donors who give anonymously. We may never discover their reasons for keeping their identities secret. However, their contributions have just as much impact as those of other philanthropists.

For instance, there is a group of anonymous benefactors located in Kalamazoo Michigan. They have promised that students who graduate from schools in the area can receive scholarships to attend any of the colleges or state universities in Michigan.

This act of charity is now known as the Kalamazoo Promise. The longer a candidate for the scholarship has studied in a Kalamazoo area school, the more funds can be put toward that student's education. For example, a high school grad who attended Kalamazoo schools since the first grade will have 100% of their tuition covered. Started in 2005, this project has already produced college graduates. As of October 2010, 2,000 students have gotten scholarships with expenditure running to $18 million. The Kalamazoo Promise has given hope to many struggling students and parents.