The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is a not-for-profit charity that functions to fund, raise funds, and support the Toys for Tots program under the US Marine Corps Reserve. Founded in 1947, the program was established to distribute toys to children when their parents cannot afford to buy them any for Christmas. Think of it like a US Marine version of Santa Claus. Targeting the youth, the foundation operates out a headquarters in Quantico, Virginia. With revenues amounting to nearly $249 million in 2012, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is considered to be one of the largest charities in the US.

The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation's aim is to essentially support the mission of the Toys for Tots program, which is to collect new toys from October to December each year and then distribute these toys to needy children as Christmas gifts wherever the campaign was done. Through the toys they collect, the program and the foundation want to send a message of hope that will aid children in growing up to become responsible and patriotic citizens of the US.

Through the years, the foundation was able to address six needs highlighted by the Marine Corps. Firstly, there was the matter of the foundation providing additional toys to supplement whatever the local units were able to collect. Military cutbacks were rampant in the '80s and '90s so the Marine Corps really needed all the help they could get. The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation also provided materials for Coordinators and sourced corporate and individual donors for the program, while conducting promotions, ensuring the program complies with IRS regulations, taking responsibility for day-to-day operations for the program. With the foundation taking care of these needs, the Reserve Headquarters Staff was able to focus on organizing, training, and equipping reserve forces.