Tiger Woods and his father, Earl, founded the Tiger Woods Foundation (TWF) in 1996. The organization aims to provide young people with college-access programs with a focus on math, science, technology, and engineering.

The flagship program of the TWF is the Tiger Woods Learning Center (TWLC) in Southern California. The 35,000 square foot campus provides an interactive learning environment for scholars from the 5th to the 12th grade. Aside from academics, the TWLC also offers enrichment programs that involve gold. Since its inception, the TWLC has expanded and opened up four more campuses – one in Florida, another in Philadelphia, and two campuses in Washington DC.

The TWC is also supported by the Earl Woods Scholarship Program that provides a $5,000 scholarship which is renewable for up to four years to deserving youth. The scholarship program’s support network also takes care of the smaller details such as money for school supplies, books, plane tickets so that the scholars can come home to visit their families, and a host of other expenses.