In 1988, a group of college students conceptualized and launched a summer camp for the children in Camden, New Jersey. Their goal was to provide these children with a safe and nurturing environment where they can learn and express their creativity. The camp also aimed to protect these children from the dangers that the city streets are known for. The idea for this summer camp came from the call of sociologist, author and speaker Dr. Tony Campolo who urged people, most especially Christians to help the poor and oppressed find liberation and justice. The group’s first official summer camp was a success and soon, the program grew which led to the establishment of the faith-based, non-profit organization called UrbanPromise in 1993. During this time, Dr. Bruce Main was named founding director.

The organization’s mission is to help children and teenagers become better students, leaders, and members of society. They do this through after-school programs, summer camps, experiential learning activities, and a variety of other programs and activities that also allows students to spread their wings and become involved in the community. Since UrbanPromise was founded, they have been able to establish the UrbanPromise Academy, a private high school that provides quality educations to students who are not a good fit academically in traditional learning environments. The low teacher-student ratio and nurturing learning environment gives the students adequate attention to make sure that they are college-ready when they graduate. The academy boasts of a 100% graduated rate with 90% of graduates going on to college.

The success of UrbanPromise is no longer confined to Camden, New Jersey. Today, the organization has sites all over the United States and around the world. Its first international affiliate, located in Malawi, Africa, was started by a former UrbanPromise volunteer. Soon after, UrbanPromise International was established to provide guidance and support, and to ensure that all international affiliates follow the same model as its mother organization.