The US Marines give their lives to serve and protect their countrymen, but that’s not where their dedication to their country and its people ends. For over 65 years now, Marine Reservists from all over the United States have been collecting toys and cash donations from individuals, groups, and corporations and distributing them to less fortunate children during the holiday season.

The Toys for Tots campaign began in 1947 when a group of Marine Reservists based in Los Angeles led by Major Bill Hendricks collected 5,000 toys and distributed them to children whose families could not afford to give them anything for Christmas. The success of the first ever gift-giving drive inspired the Marine Corps to adopt the program and turn Toys for Tots into a nationwide campaign the following year. At that time, Hendricks was not on active duty and his position as Director of Public Relations at Warner Brothers Studio helped him gather the necessary celebrity support to promote the program and encourage ordinary civilians, as well as large corporations to help out and donate to the project. The logo that Toys for Tots used from then until now was designed by no other than Walt Disney himself. A host of other celebrities and performers also lent their time and talents to promote the program.

The Toys for Tots Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization outside of the Marine Corps, was established in 1991. This organization was set up to fulfill certain needs that the Marine Corps and Marine Reserve Force could not satisfy due to cutbacks. It also fulfilled several obligations and charitable endeavors that the Marine Corps, a federal agency, wasn’t allowed to do. Working hand in hand with the US Marine Corps and the Marine Reserve Force, the foundation has been raising funds for the program, which since 1995, has been integrated as an official mission of Marine reservists and an official Marine Corps activity.