Poverty is a reality many people do not want to face. It’s not that they don’t care about others; it’s mostly because poverty and hunger is something that is difficult to process or comprehend for people who have never experienced it.  This apathetic sentiment also stems from ignorance of what’s going on. Many of those living in rich, developed nations have no idea about what’s going on in impoverished countries, but there are those who see what’s happening on the other side of the spectrum and are doing something about it.

War on Want is a non-profit organization based in London. It was established in 1952, a year after Victor Gollancz wrote a letter to The Guardian calling for an end to the Korean War. This letter inspired thousands of people to support the cause which led to the founding of The Association for World Peace. A little more than a decade before Harold Wilson first took office as the Prime Minister of the UK, he was invited to chair the association’s committee that would come up with ways to conquer world hunger. He coined the name War on Want, and the rest is history.

Since its establishment, the organization has been in the forefront in every discussion or debate about how to deal with poverty on a broader scale. The idea War on Want would like to impart with the people is that poverty is political and that the lives of those living in poverty all over the world depend on the policies and decisions made by politicians and governments of developed nations. The programs the organization has implemented throughout its 60 years of existence is geared towards spreading information to the people and getting them involved in political discussions to stop governments and large corporations from committing more injustices towards those who can’t fight for themselves.