World Relief Charities is an international non-profit humanitarian organization that provides employment, health care assistance, and housing to US war veterans. They help shoulder the costs of rehabilitation and hospitalization of those with cancer, and assist in emergency relief, development assistance, and programs and services to communities prone to disasters. Their vision is aimed at bringing pride and dignity to war veterans as well as their families, provide healthcare and empower a meaningful life, and nurture and help those who are in great need.

For the US veterans, HALO provides solutions to the needs and challenges they face. World Relief Charities strives to help them regain the life they deserve and to create a secured future through providing health care, employment, and housing. Meanwhile, they partner with government hospitals and offer financial assistance to cancer patients. As much as the organization could, they help the patients and their families get through the expensive treatment and operations, and give the necessary support and care to help lift some of the burdens they are already carrying. 

Meanwhile, for victims of calamities, disasters, and hunger, the organization provides direct financial assistance and relief to help them restore their lives and esteem. World Relief Charities partner with different NGOs for their plans and programs to materialize.