Yad Ezra V’Shulamit, which was founded by Ariel Lurie in 1988, is at the forefront of nationwide efforts to provide the most precious Israeli resource – the Jewish children – with every opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. The non-profit organization provides Jewish children and their families with food, clothing, and provisions for emergency relief, especially those living with poverty.

Yad Ezra undertakes year-long programs in different areas including:
  • Distribution of 3,000 food baskets in 30 cities across Israel on a weekly basis
  • Distribution of 15,000 food baskets during Passover and Rosh Hashanah
  • Operation of the Children’s Center, which provides food, education support, and fun activities for 500 kids every day
  • Distribution of new shoes, coats and backpacks as well as blankets and heaters
  • Distribution of emergency relief supplies to victims of terrorism and war
Yad Ezra has a team of dedicated volunteers that solicit, collect and distribute donations made by farmers, businesses, and agricultural centers, among others.