With a countrywide presence in 46 states as well as in Washington D.C. and the Virgin Islands, YouthBuild is enabling the youth by building their education and skill sets. The program participants, low-income young people in the 16-24 age bracket working toward their high school diplomas or GEDs, are provided with leadership development training via appropriate activities and with job skills via construction projects for low-income and homeless people.

The comprehensive approach adopted by YouthBuild has made the program multiple things for both the trainors and participants on one hand and the communities on the other hand. YouthBuild has become an:

  • Alternative school where students are provided with one-on-one attention
  • Job training and pre-apprenticeship training program especially in the construction industry
  • Community service program where low-income and homeless people are the beneficiaries
  • Youth development program providing young people with valuable support

Indeed, by building the youth, YouthBuild is also building society at large.