Founded in 2006 by celebrity chef and entrepreneur Rachael Ray, Yum – O! is a non-profit organization that allows children and their families to establish a healthy relationship with cooking and food through its three core areas: Cook, Feed and Fund.


Yum – O! educates kids and families about the world of culinary arts by providing them with an informative and interactive website that allows young chefs to explore gastronomic experiences and try out kid-friendly recipes. The website features easy, affordable, delicious and healthy dishes as well as simple-to-follow cooking tips and techniques that can be accessed by everyone. It also boasts of several fun and exciting culinary learning materials, a long list of pioneering culinary organizations and programs in communities and schools all over the country and a section that allows visitors to share their favorite food recipes and cooking tips.


Aside from teaching kids and families how to cook and develop good eating habits, Yum – O! also joins the ranks of organizations that fight hunger in America by raising awareness about the hunger problem that continues to plague the country, as well as engineer and put into action special programs that tackle this alarming issue.


Finally, Yum – O! also recognizes a wide range of opportunities for young people who want to take the culinary career path. Working together with Alliance for Healthier Generations and National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, it helps children and young adults achieve food-related careers by funding scholarships and learning programs and identifying educational institutions that  offer food and nutrition courses.

To put everything in a nutshell, Yum-O recognizes that eating habits are molded at a very young age and works at ensuring that they make the right choices through providing proper education and opportunities. Needless to say, the organization is well on its way to building a country where everybody, young and old alike, can experience the delights of cooking and eating nutritious food.